Picture Stamps

Picture stamps are my favorite way to remember places visited and the wonderful travel memories that can be so vividly re-experienced through custom postage stamps.

Picture Stamps Medusa Head Basilica Cistern

I recently made a trip to Istanbul and the sights, sounds, smells and memories come flooding back when I see these picture stamps and just love the memories they evoke.

One of my favorite sites was the Basilica Cistern which is a vast underground water storage container built about 1500 years ago during the reign of Justinian.

It is hard to do justice to the scale but this cistern has 300 massive columns including one mysteriously supported by the Medusa Head sculpture that I love to remember with personalized postage stamps like this one.

This sculpture's origins are unknown though it is believed to have been taken from a Roman temple during construction - recycling at its best!  

Pictures stamps of Egyptian Obelisk in Hippodrome Square Istanbul Turkey

This Medusa head is massive, about the height of an adult and quite wide with all sides exquisitely sculpted to show the Medusa with a head of snakes and reputed to turn anyone she looks at to stone.

I had so many memories blazoned into my memories during my time in Istanbul and really appreciate how great it is to be able to remember those moments with picture stamps.

It is amazing how personalized stamps can bring the past back to life.  I stare at this Egyptian Obelisk and think of the cool misty rain on the day I stood in the location of the great Hippodrome where chariots raced and men fought lions.  

I stand in awe of the moat of human history between us today and structures like this one which have stood for thousands of years crafted by long forgotten artisans.

Picture Stamps Blue Mosque in Istanbul Turkey

This is just one way to use these.

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I don't use these for all people or all mail, but I've found I absolutely love using these for special occasion mailings and they can make great gifts for the right occassion.

A stamp showing a high quality color photo of the happy couple on a wedding invitation really adds a personal touch.  

I'd love to see and hear more so please post any great examples you've run across or designed yourself!

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